Detailed overview of the last 3 projects from the area of research and development, in which we were significantly involved.
Patent granted for the process for the purification of wastewater: Biological wastewater treatment in a novel reactor with a packed bed made of an easily fluidisable plastic growth support material. The carrier material offers a specific surface area of 400 up to 600 m²/m³ and is thus up to a factor of 3 higher than the classic trickling filter materials previously used for nitrification. This makes it possible to achieve at least a factor of 2 higher space decomposition performance compared to the classic trickling filter.
Patent Certificate
Participation in the Nitro SX project: Development and successful operation of a semi-industrial test plant for the microbiological desulphurisation of biogas.
Launch of a treatment plant as part of the DEG-PPP project "Implementation of a sanitarian septic tank system in the suburban and rural area of Cambodia".
Retrofitting of the treatment plant Hornow (1200 PT) finished. Implementation of MBBR technology into an existing plant built 1994.
Research topic is in the final stages. The project "energy-efficient clarification concept", developed by EvU® in cooperation with FIW at the RWTH Aachen and supported by AIF Berlin passed successfully its field test on the treatment plant of Hubbelrath.
More information:
Are trickling filters worn out?
The small sewage treatment plant TORNADO shakes up the market. The connection of Bluvita GmbH´s unique container concept and the innovative spinning-fluidized bed clarification process by using EvU-Pearl® convinces more and more customers at home and abroad.
More Information:
TORNADO treatment plant
20 years EvU® - In those years the EvU-Team set several milestones in clarification technology, lots of treatment plants were built and above all the spinning-fluidized bed technology had beeen extremly promoted in Germany. Since then this special procedure is established in wastewater technology.
Approval of research project „Development of energy efficient concept for wastewater treatment plant“ by AIF Berlin.
First large scale application for industrial wastewater treatment in industrial park Hoechst (300 m³).
First upgrading of biological stage in large scale clarification plant using EvU-Pearl® in Poland (10.000 m³/d).
First upgrading of biological stage in large scale clarification plant using EvU-Pearl® in Germany (1.700 m³/d).
One- tank Mbb treatment system gets patented.
High performance carrier material EvU-Pearl® is patented.
EvU® receives TÜV´s "Certified business acc. to § 19 WHG".
First DIBT-certified (center of competence in civil engineering) small scale plant with Mbbr is installed in Germany. Award for innovation of German economy.
Patent registration of CPN-process, mobile Container plant got TÜV (Technical Inspection Agency) -certified.
EvU® gets the Award for Innovation of the Free State of Saxony.
Research and development of the EvU-process and carrier material EvU-Pearl®.
Founding as EvU®-Entwicklung von Umwelttechnik GmbH by employees of the Research center water technologies Dresden.